
We help people and dogs achieve more, together.

CSI has been providing highly professional dog training and behavioural consulting services to the dog owning community for for over 18 years now.

We work with all sorts of dogs and their owners to help them achieve their dog training or behavioural modification goals.

From developing puppies to their fullest potential, to dealing with highly problematic behavioural issues, and everything between.

If you’re looking for professional coaching to help you and your dog achieve more, CSI should be on your short list.

We help people and dogs achieve more, together.

Behaviour Modification & Problem Solving

Problem behaviour comes in many shapes and forms, and can result in frustration, upset, and even legal or health concerns for yourself and your dog.

It’s very common for problem behaviour to be driven by an emotional component.

Early intervention is always desirable, though we often work with dogs that have very difficult backgrounds and histories, including multiple documented bites to dogs and humans.

Our process allows us to drill down and look for root causes, as well as to find flexible solutions to reach your desired training outcomes…and improve things for you and your dog along the way.

Ideally we can change the way your dog feels about a given situation, we can change the way he acts.

Timid dogs can learn to act more bravely, anxious dogs can learn to cope with stressors in a more healthy and productive way, and most fearful dogs can learn control their world without using aggression or threat displays.

Together we’ll form an Action Plan – breaking bigger goals down into smaller chunks that reduce frustration, speed learning and help you and your dog ‘see the light at the end of the tunnel’.

Our process allows us to drill down and look for root causes, as well as to find flexible solutions to reach your desired training outcomes…and improve things for you and your dog along the way.

Problem behaviour? We help folks like you to deal with:

Aggressive Dog Training
Aggressive Behaviour

Aggressive behaviour is natural and normal, but can get out of control…when it does, it can cause many problems, frustration and endanger your dog and others.

Anxiety Related Behaviour

We can help you manage or reduce your dog’s anxiety levels, as well as modify some of the coping strategies he uses to be less intrusive and more constructive.

Destructive Behaviour

There are many reasons a dog may be destructive – working to understand them can help reduce the damage or danger to the dog, and your home environment.

Predatory Behaviour

Chasing and even biting can be very natural and rewarding for your dog to engage in. Learning to manage and shape your dogs natural inclinations is important for his safety

CSI Resource Guarding In Dogs
Resource Guarding

Possessive behaviour over things he values – including you – can become a real safety concern for humans and dogs alike. Work smart, work hard, turn it around!

Dog ten
Menacing Dogs

If your dog has been declaring as a menacing dog by the Council or Courts, we can help you work towards removing that declaration and get back to a normal life without harsh restrictions.

Aggressive Dog Training
Fearful Or Timid Dogs

These dogs often have trouble coping with day to day life, and may even lash out at times. Learn how to help your dog to process stress and cope more effectively.

barking dog
Problem Barking

Often very difficult to deal with, and the cause of many Council complaints – this can be a costly issue for owners and cause great stress.

CSI Separation Related Behaviour In Dogs
Separation Related Behaviour

Take the first step towards your dog feeling more at ease when alone using clever management and behavioural modification.

Obedience Training – All Levels, All Ages, All Breeds

From basic obedience training to advanced off leash obedience in challenging environments, our dog training services can be tailored to suit your individual dog, your unique requirements.

It’s very common for problem behaviour to be driven by an emotional component.

Personalised coaching means you can expect faster results, less wasted time, reduced frustration, and a greater chance of success into the long term. It also means that what we teach you is as flexible as how we teach it to you and your dog.

You’ll be surprised at what you and your dog are capable of achieving together with the right input, oversight and instruction

It’s a fact that a well-trained dog is far more able to be included more broadly in the life of you and your family’s active lifestyle.

Well trained dogs are easier to manage, their performances more predictable and reliable, and their owners are able to help them successfully navigate much more complex day-to-day situations.

Our strong background in creating high performance obedience and working dogs means that we’re more than capable of helping you to achieve the more basic outcomes most folks want for their pet dog.

But if you want more for you and your dog – we’ve got you covered

Your dog, your dog training goals

Pet Dog Training
Pet Dog Training

Want your pet dog to live a rich and full life? We can help you create a more responsive and attentive dog that you’ll be proud to take out and do things with

black dog
Ultimate Family Dog

Happy responsive performance in and out of the home, stable in strange environments, and coping well with novelty and change – the ultimate family dog is created through training.

Domestic dog
Indoor Manners

Is your dog a terrorist around the house? Let us help you reduce the friction in the household and make life easier for both you and your dog…and you’ll both reap the benefits outside the home too.

Trainee dog
Off Leash Freedom

Most dogs are very capable of achieving kick-ass off leash performances. Enjoy your life with your dog in more places, and in more ways.

CSI Difficult To Train Dogs
Difficult To Train Dogs

Tried and failed with other trainers? Been told your dog is a dud? Given up on being able to have your dog listen to even basic commands? CSI can coach you and your dog towards success.

Menacing Dogs

If your dog has been declaring as a menacing dog by the Council or Courts, we can help you work towards removing that declaration and get back to a normal life without harsh restrictions.

white dog
Loose Leash Walking

Having a dog that happily walks on a loose leash, gives you plenty of attention and doesn’t trip you over…seems like a dream huh? Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think it is once you get started.

Police & dog
Responsive Under Distraction

Set your dog up to be a super student from the start! Learn how to motivate your dog and outcompete or overshadow the distractions life will throw at you.

Indoor dog training center
Productive Play

each your dog to love to play ball, tug, and a host of other games that make managing his energy much easier. Not only that, use it to build brilliant obedience p.erformances

Puppy Development & Training

Puppyhood is all about development – It’s an opportunity to truly make the most of the puppy you’ve committed to raising.

The aim of puppy development is to build a happy, confident and stable adult dog. It’s about having the greatest possible positive influence over the way your puppy sees, feels and responds to both you and the wider world.

Learning how to build, train and manage your puppy towards these outcomes is a wise investment that will offer you and your dog lifelong benefits.

Guide and shape your dog towards being a motivated, happy learner with a winner’s attitude with CSI.

Exposure Work – Preparing Dogs For Life

If your dog is negatively impacted by the environment around it then it’s very easy to see those countless hours you spent developing your pups ability to do beautiful obedience work come to nothing.

This means that when you need your dog to focus on a skill or task it can invest 100% of it’s efforts on that, rather than being worried about noises, novel situations, people, other dogs, etc.

CSI place a huge emphasis on empowering our clients to do this essential work well, and in turn develop their pups to become robust, resilient, emotionally stable adult dogs.

Set your puppy up for success

Aggressive Dog Training
Environmental Exposures

Building your dog towards seeing novel things, sounds, places, surfaces, etc. as just a normal part of life is perhaps the greatest gift you’ll ever give him.

black dog
Socialisation Done Right

Socialisation with people, dogs and other animals is highly important. With some coaching this can be done in a way that avoids a host of problems later.

A Motivated Learner

Learn how to build crazy desire in your dog to work for you – happy, responsive, engaged dogs are far easier to train and learn much faster.

alert dog
Build A Resilient Dog

Building a dog that copes well with stress and frustration means he’ll be best prepared to cope with life’s twists and turns.

Crazy Confidence

You want your dog to have a winner’s mindset about the way he approaches the world and his learning.

Minimise The Suck

Raising a kick ass puppy isn’t all beer and skittles some bits suck, but with right coaching you can avoid or minimise the worst of it.

Major refit/remodelling early 2024

Our Temperament Evaluations and Reports are well respected within the dog training community, as well as by Councils, Courts and Tribunals. They have even helped to set legal precedent.

Our evaluation process allows us to develop a professional opinion about your dog and his behaviour, which we can then share with (and explain to) you in the context of your concern or situation.

We also offer a variety of formal reporting solutions ranging from a basic emailed summary through to quite detailed documents, such as those used for serious legal defences.

CSI Temperament Evaluation And Reports

Temperament Evaluations & Reports

No Entry
Dangerous & Menacing Dogs

If you are fighting a dangerous dog or menacing dog declaration, proper evaluation and reporting is often an extremely important part of a successful strategy.

barking dog
Barking Dog Complaints

Appropriate evaluation and reporting are important when dealing with the barking dog complaints process where Councils become formally involved.

legal service
Courts & Tribunals

For those defending their dog’s behaviour in a Court or Tribunal setting quality temperament evaluation and reporting can become crucially important.

Council Issues

If your dog is involved in an administrative process with your local Council then proper evaluation and reporting may offer significant support to your position.

real state reference
Real Estate References

Renting with a dog can be tough. We can provide formal references for dogs to put your real estate agents and landlords more at ease.


If you’re adopting a dog into your family but have some doubt about whether she’lll be a good fit, we can help you make a more informed decision.

Specialized Services

For those dog owners that are seeking a different focus in their training, we are able to provide a wide range of more specialised dog training services.

Over the last 16+yrs we’ve worked damn hard to develop specialist skills and knowledge across a variety of areas relating to dog training and dog behaviour.

If you’re looking to do more with your dog, or to invest some time and effort into some of the more technical or artistic areas of dog training, then CSI are a fair chance of being able to help you realise those goals.

If you don’t see what you’re looking for on this page, be sure to reach out and ask the question

Reach out to us and ask the question, we’ll let you know how we can help.

Dog Training – when and where you need it.

CSI Training Center – Boronia, VIC 3155

We operate Melbourne’s only dedicated indoor dog training centre, which offers some great advantages to our clients (and their dogs).

Our dog training center is an easily controlled, neutral environment which of great advantage when evaluating or training dogs for behavioural issues, as well as general dog training.

We are conveniently located, and the training center allows protection from bad weather, as well as some creature comforts for dog owners .

We also deliver dog training seminars and workshops at our center, a number of which are aimed at pet dogs and their owners.

canine services

In-Home Behavioural Consults or Dog Training:

For some dogs with certain types of problems, our in-home dog training and behavioural consulting services offer the greatest value.

Before we suggest this service we will communicate with you to make sure that this service will best suit your needs.

In-home dog training or behavioural consults are typically available Mon-Fri, with some flexibility in these available times depending on existing client commitments.

canine driver

Online Consults – Phone, Skype, FaceTime

We service clients across Australia, and also internationally, using online communication.

For some clients this solution can be very convenient and effective, offering them just the help they need.

There are some cases where we don’t believe that we can offer significant value coaching or advising in this format, and there are also some behavioural issues that cannot be responsibly addressed in this way.

For these reasons we consider each application for this service on a case-by-case basis and only commit where we feel it will offer value to a potential client.

Canine deliver 3

Contact us using the online form below

G’day – how can we help you today?

Contact Us Today
Select an enquiry type *
Choose an option from this menu that best describes your enquiry type
Address *
Street Address
Post Code
Do you work in or around the dog training and canine behaviour industry? *
Please tick the appropriate boxes to best describe any involvement you may have.

Information about your dog

This info helps us to provide a meaningful response to your enquiry
Sex of dog *
Does your enquiry involve the following concerns?
Include mention of which state the Court is in
INSIDE the home – problems you may be experiencing:
OUTSIDE the home – problems you may be experiencing:
OBEDIENCE problems that you may be experiencing:
Select options that best descibe your dogs training history:

Public Speaking Enquiry

Host a CSI Workshop or Seminar

K9 SPAHRS – Dog Bite Prevention Education

Facility Hire – Workshops/Seminars/Events

Consulting Services

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